实现「圣道教育、面向全球、免费提供」这个目标须要全球基督徒的互相合作。 第三千禧年神学资源中心以许多方式向其它福音机构展开双手。我们的诸多同工组织其中有一些 列在这里(按拼音次序排列),一些国家和地区由于安全考虑,我们略去了一些重要的合作伙伴, 主必纪念他们。(目前这些伙伴名称还未翻译,请多多包涵)

AMONG Mongolia
AMONG Mongolia, a non-profit that seeks to share the Gospel with the people of Mongolia, translates and broadcasts Third Millennium’s seminary curriculum on Eagle Television and freely distributes our videos to countryside pastors. You can view our Mongolia translations by clicking here.
Anglican Mission in America
AMiA is a conservative branch of the Anglican Church under the authority of the Archbishop of Rwanda. Third Millennium produced two courses, The Theology of the Word and The Theology of Sacrament, for the Anglican Mission in America's Anglican Studies Program.
Arab Vision
Arab Vision is a crucial ministry that offers television broadcasts to regions of the Arabic-speaking world. They are producing Third Millennium curriculum to reach thousands of church leaders in a number of countries.
Arab World Evangelical Ministers Association (AWEMA)
AWEMA is a cooperative movement of evangelicals in the Arab world that offers training to pastors and leaders of Arabic-speaking churches. Third Millennium has distributed Arabic lessons in the Middle East through AWEMA.
Arab World Media
Arab World Media, a ministry of Pioneers International, uses Third Millennium videos and test materials to train Christians living and working among Muslims in the Arab world.
Aramaic Broadcast Network
Aramaic Broadcast Network is a satellite broadcast network reaching North and Central America. They regularly broadcast our curriculum in Arabic to thousands of viewers.
Berita Satu Media Holdings
Berita Satu Media Holdings is the world’s largest media company in the reporting and delivery of news about Indonesia. They are dedicating an entire channel on their network to Third Millennium’s curriculum and are working on translating our lessons into Indonesian.
Birmingham Theological Seminary
BTS offers a free one-year seminary certificate based entirely on the Third Millennium video curriculum and supplementary readings. The certificate is accredited for non-U.S. residents and is available in both English and Spanish.
Blaze Seminary
Affiliated with The Grace Institute, Blaze Seminary is a completely free resource that brings top tier Biblical teaching to those who will not find themselves inside the walls of a traditional seminary. Third Millennium provides the curriculum for Blaze Seminary.
Breakthrough Bible Institute
Breakthrough Bible Institute is a missionary training and sending organization based in Kenya, Africa.
Camino Global
Camino Global is on a shared journey with Spanish speakers everywhere to transform communities, equip believers, and reach the world. Camino Global uses and actively distributes our Spanish curriculum.
Campus Crusade for Christ
Third Millennium has collaborated with Campus Crusade on many projects, including our trip to Africa in 2012 to distribute 10,000 flash drives. In addition, The Campus Crusade for Christ International School of Leadership currently uses our series, Kingdom, Covenants & Canon of the Old Testament, for its Old Testament Survey class.
Centre for Christian Missions — Zambia, Africa
Centre for Christian Missions is a wonderfully effective training center for Christian leaders in Zambia and neighboring nations. Third Millennium has provided curriculum for their Bible School.
China Ministries International
China Ministries International is “dedicated to the evangelization of the Chinese people, the kingdomization of the Chinese Church, and the Christianization of Chinese culture through research, training, sending of missionaries, and publications.” They are currently using our curriculum in their Master of Divinity program.
China Partnership
The China Partnership coordinates many efforts in China, especially leadership training. This partnership has led to increased distribution of our materials to thousands of church leaders.
Chinese Christianity Network TV
CCN-TV provides Chinese Christian educational resources, sermons, music, news, and more. They currently webcast our curriculum through the internet free of charge and hope to broadcast via satellite in the future.
Chinese House Churches and Seminaries
Although house churches in China have grown from small meetings to large study centers and seminaries, they do not have enough qualified teachers at their main seminaries and have little curriculum for their satellite sites. Many house churches and seminaries in China use our materials to help train their leaders.
Christian Courses
Through Christian University GlobalNet, Christian Courses.com offers our curriculum on their website in Spanish, Arabic, and Russian. Both CUGN and Christian Courses are affiliated with RBC Ministries.
Covenant Evangelical Theological Seminary
Covenant Evangelical Theological Seminary (CETS) is a web-based Christian Theological education organization. Its purpose is to train faithful and wise workers for the building up of a healthy church.
Equipping Pastors International
EPI teaches a biblical worldview to pastors and their wives in developing nations. Members of the EPI mission team travel regularly to share their resources, but continue to reside in the U.S., allowing third-world pastors to lead their own churches in evangelism and discipleship. EPI has been instrumental in distributing our curriculum to countries all over the world.
Evangelical Reformed Seminary of Ukraine
ERSU runs both a seminary and a college in Kiev, Ukraine. Their seminary is the official seminary of two Ukrainian Reformed denominations. Both their seminary and their college provide courses produced by Third Millennium Ministries.
Far East Broadcasting Company
FEBC is a global Christian broadcast ministry that develops and delivers programs to listeners around the world in 100 different languages. Mandarin, Russian, and Arabic are among FEBC’s prioritized areas of ministry. They currently use our curriculum as part of their broadcast programming.
FLET (formerly with LOGOI)
FLET is an accredited seminary with an extensive distance education program throughout Latin America. FLET uses our Spanish curriculum in their program.
Gospel for Ethiopia
Gospel for Ethiopia exists to equip indigenous Ethiopian pastors with Biblical training and resources. They are currently translating our curriculum into Amharic.
Gospel Through Colombia
Gospel Through Colombia has been using Third Millennium’s Spanish curriculum to equip church leaders in over 20 cities in Colombia.
Grace Theological College — Christ Church, New Zealand
Grace Theological College was established by a fast growing denomination to train church leaders for its congregations. They use our curriculum in English, Arabic and Chinese to expand and enrich their pastoral training program.
Huguenot Heritage
Huguenot Heritage works with Third Millennium Ministries to bring biblical education to the French-speaking world. Huguenot Heritage is the ministry of Third Millennium’s French Language Coordinator, Rev. Francis Foucachon, who is translating our materials into French.
Impact Television Network
Impact Television Network broadcasts in Russian in the U.S., Europe and Russia. It offers news and homeland information, movies and dramas, talk shows, children's programming, and religious worship and teaching. Impact Television broadcasts our lessons on their station.
Jonkman Theological Study Center — Quito, Ecuador
The Jonkmans are missionaries who are pastoring a church and establishing a theological study center in Quito, Ecuador. Third Millennium’s curriculum supplements their efforts.
Logos Global Network
LGN ministers worldwide through Christian education, missions, and humanitarian ministries. LGN distributes our curriculum to educational institutions in a number of other countries. In addition, Logos Christian College & Graduate Schools is incorporating our curriculum into its distance education program.
Miami International Seminary
MINTS sends professors to other countries to establish study centers that will grow into indigenous seminaries. MINTS uses our materials as a part of their curriculum.
Mission to the World
MTW is a division of the Presbyterian Church in America. MTW has partnered with Third Millennium in countless ways. Many MTW missionaries use our materials in their ministries abroad.
National Presbyterian Church of Mexico
The National Presbyterian Church of Mexico has adopted Third Millennium’s curriculum as the core of their distance education efforts for training pastors.
NRB Network
The NRB Network is currently streaming our series, The Book of Revelation, on their channel on Direct TV. This partnership will bring the Third Mill curriculum to millions of homes around the world.
SAT-7 is a Christian satellite television system that broadcasts Third Millennium videos throughout the Middle East and North Africa.
Seminario Teológico Presbiteriano, San Pablo — Mérida, México
Third Millennium provides curriculum for various classes at Seminario Teológico Presbiteriano San Pablo. Their professors also edit and translate for us.
Servant Leadership Institute of Nigeria
The Servant Leadership Institute trains, equips, and resources church leaders for the African Church. They have been using Third Millennium’s materials in Nigeria for years now to educate pastors.
Siberian Mission
Siberian Mission, directed by Dr. Michael Meagher, uses our curriculum in its leadership training in north-eastern Siberia.
The Grace Institute
The Grace Institute works with seminaries and Bible institutes throughout the world to help them reach their networks of pastors who normally could never attend a traditional seminary class. Through the education of Third Millennium Ministries and creative and accessible methods, they take the education to those pastors and leaders in a deep and profound way.
Third Millennium Leadership Institute of the Philippines
Started by Rev. Roberto de Fiesta, The Third Millennium Leadership Institute of the Philippines provides a world class biblical education that will build and equip future Christian leaders.
Ukraine Biblical Seminary
Ukraine Biblical Seminary has served as the main distribution point for our Russian materials. Our curriculum has been adopted by the seminary and is used in their leadership training.
Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita Harapan
YPPH seeks to deliver education through a Christian worldview to all segments of society. The YPPH affiliated college, Universitas Pelita Harapan, has gotten the approval from the Indonesian government to open a philosophy department under which they will offer theology programs. Third Millennium will be providing the majority of the core curriculum for these programs and will heavily influence the other departments in the college. In addition, Third Mill lessons will be a central part of the training required for all those who teach at any of the twenty-seven YPPH affiliated schools.
Youth for Christ International
Youth for Christ Seychelles has been leading a small cohort through Third Millennium Ministries’ one-year curriculum. Because of our partnership with Birmingham Theological Seminary, these students will receive a Certificate in Christian Ministry upon satisfactory completion of the program.